•Physical exams for sick and/or injured pets
•Healthy pet exams
We recommend bringing in a stool sample from your animal at least once a year so that we can determine if they have internal parasites. We can then also provide your animal with dewormers.
•Interceptor (depending on your pet’s weight)
•Dog Spays
•Dog Neuters
We offer the following vaccinations:
- Rabies 1 year – www.cdc.gov/rabies/
- Rabies 3 year
- DHP 1 year
- DHP 3 year
- Bordetella – Intranasal prescription for kennel cough
- Leptospirosis – www.cdc.gov/leptospirosis
- Rattlesnake Vaccine
•Heartworm Testing
Once a year testing for Heartworms before prescribing a Heartworm preventative is required. Once the test is complete Heartgard Plus is available at our clinic.
•Bravecto – Flea & Tick
•Nail Trimming
•Gentle Dentistry
For animals that require dental care we offer: cleaning, polishing, ultrasonic scaling, fluoride treatments, sealants, root planning and extractions (if necessary).
*Prices are subject to change and additional fees may apply.
We also provide a full line of other services including blood screenings, surgeries and comprehensive medical care. Please call us for details or more information at (541) 382-0741.